Underwriter ($20,000)
Opportunity to speak during the program (5 Minutes)
Acknowledgement during the program
Acknowledgement of Sponsorship in all marketing materials
Acknowledgement of Sponsorship in all Social Media
Acknowledgement of Sponsorship in all Souvenir Program
Souvenir Program Page (Back Cover)
Display of Sponsorship in Audio Visuals Slideshow
Vendor Booth (Front)​​
Display of Corporate Banner next to the Main Stage
One night stay at the Gaylord Texan on the evening of October 18th
Display of Corporate Banner near Entrance to the Ballroom
Facebook Spotlight Feature
Recognition in the Press Release
Lifetime Membership in PACCTX Statewide (Platinum Membership worth $2500)
Spot in PACCTX State Website
Seat in the Board of PACCTX DFW (2- Year Term)
Media Coverage
Free tickets to the Banquet worth $140 each (10; 2 at Keynote Speaker's Table)
Naming Right for One Award
Opportunity to speak during the program (5 Minutes)
Acknowledgement during the program
Acknowledgment of Sponsorship in all marketing materials
Acknowledgment of Sponsorship in all Social Media
Acknowledgment of Sponsorship in all Souvenir Program
Souvenir Program Page (Back Cover)
Display of Sponsorship in Audio Visuals Slideshow
Vendor Booth (Front)​​
Display of Corporate Banner next to the Main Stage
Display of Corporate Banner near Entrance to the Ballroom
Facebook Spotlight Feature
Recognition in the Press Release
Lifetime Membership in PACCTX Statewide (Platinum Membership worth $2500)
Spot in PACCTX State Website
Seat in the Board of PACCTX DFW (2-Year Term)
Media Coverage
Free tickets to the Banquet worth $140 each (10; 2 at Keynote Speaker's Table)
Naming Right for One Award
One night stay at the Gaylord Texan on the evening of October 18th
Opportunity to speak during the program (2 Minutes)
Acknowledgement during the program
Acknowledgment of Sponsorship in all marketing materials
Acknowledgment of Sponsorship in all Social Media
Acknowledgment of Sponsorship in all Souvenir Program
Souvenir Program Page (Inside Front Cover)
Display of Sponsorship in Audio Visuals Slideshow
Vendor Booth (Front)​​
Display of Corporate Banner next to the Main Stage
Display of Corporate Banner near Entrance to the Ballroom
Facebook Spotlight Feature
Recognition in the Press Release
Lifetime Membership in PACCTX Statewide (Corporate Partner Level worth $1500)
Spot in PACCTX State Website
Media Coverage
Free tickets to the Banquet worth $140 each (4 Tickets)
Naming Right for One Award
One night stay at the Gaylord Texan on the evening of October 18th​​​
Acknowledgement during the program
Acknowledgment of Sponsorship in all marketing materials
Acknowledgment of Sponsorship in all Social Media
Acknowledgment of Sponsorship in all Souvenir Program
Souvenir Program Page (Inside Back Cover)
Display of Sponsorship in Audio Visuals Slideshow
Vendor Booth (Front)​​
Display of Corporate Banner near Entrance to the Ballroom
Facebook Spotlight Feature
Recognition in the Press Release
Lifetime Membership in PACCTX Statewide (Corporate Partner Level worth $1500)
Spot in PACCTX State Website
Media Coverage
Free tickets to the Banquet worth $140 each (2 Tickets)​
Acknowledgement during the program
Acknowledgment of Sponsorship in all marketing materials
Acknowledgment of Sponsorship in all Social Media
Acknowledgment of Sponsorship in all Souvenir Program
Souvenir Program Page (Full Page)
Display of Sponsorship in Audio Visuals Slideshow
Vendor Booth (Front)​​
Display of Corporate Banner near Entrance to the Ballroom
Facebook Spotlight Feature
Recognition in the Press Release
Lifetime Membership in PACCTX Statewide (Business Member worth $250)
Media Coverage
Free tickets to the Banquet worth $140 each (2 Tickets)​
Acknowledgement during the program
Acknowledgment of Sponsorship in all marketing materials
Acknowledgment of Sponsorship in all Social Media
Acknowledgment of Sponsorship in all Souvenir Program
Souvenir Program Page (Half)
Display of Sponsorship in Audio Visuals Slideshow
Vendor Booth (Regular)​​
Facebook Spotlight Feature
Recognition in the Press Release
Lifetime Membership in PACCTX Statewide (1 Business/Individual Member worth $150-$250)
Media Coverage
Free tickets to the Banquet worth $140 each (2 Tickets)​
​Souvenir Program Supporters List
Lifetime Membership in PACCTX Statewide (1 Business/Individual Member worth $150-$250)
Free tickets to the Banquet worth $140 each (10 seats; one assigned table)​